Who is Ad Latjes?

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Autobiography Ad Latjes   English text - Dutch text - Dutch text + photos - Photos Only
Radio interview met Ad Latjes (25Apr1997)
Interview met Ad Latjes in NL Playboy (Aug1990)


  • For more than 35 years, Ad Latjes, President of European Travel Network, has been at the forefront of the international travel scene, introducing new trendsetting products, innovative (marketing) techniques, and organizing international cooperation.
  • Few Europeans have had such a major impact on the liberalization of air fares in Europe as Latjes, through his never-ending fights for more affordable air fares.
  • Latjes has put his words into action, while other still dream.
    Let history speak for itself:

    1971 First Discount Travel Agent

  • Latjes sells the first discounted air tickets on the continent of Europe.
    The first tickets have to be bought in London, because airlines on the European Continent are afraid to upset the established travel organisations.
  • Many European travel agents claim 'discounted air fares' are merely a temporary problem, stemming from the overcapacity on many routes after the introduction of Jumbo 747 planes.
    These travel agents only see a lower commission per passenger without realizing more people will travel at lower rates.
  • Only after Latjes' unique advertising campaign during many years on the frontpages of leading Dutch newspapers, costing millions of guilders, are other travel agents forced to follow his initiative, and start selling discounted air fares.
    Hundreds of thousands of travellers take advantage of this 'Latjes' effect on air fares.

    1975 First Air Tariff Computer

  • Before IBM invented its first PC, Latjes updates the lowest air fares in the first Air Tariff computer in the Dutch travel industry.
  • This was initially dismissed as the hobby of a computer freak, but now it is very hard to imagine such a database without a computer.

    1979 First Travel Information Provider on Videotext

  • Latjes becomes the first Information Provider in the Dutch travel business on a new medium, Viditel, the Netherlands videotext service and the Dutch Telecom's equivalent of Minitel in France and Prestel in England.
  • During the first half of 1981 Latjes' 8000 information pages are the most popular on Viditel.
  • 15 Years before the Internet revolution started, Latjes did foresee the power of networked computers and invested heavily in this new technology.
  • Unfortunately the modems were too slow, the market too fragmented, the computers too weak and the investors too hesitant, so Videotext became an expensive and early failure in most countries.
    Latjes had to wait 15 more years before his dream of a networked world became reality.

    1980 First Telefax Subscriber

  • Official opening of the Dutch Telecom telefax service in Latjes' office.
    It is very rare to find an office without a fax nowadays !

    1981 A Boy's dream is over....

  • KLM starts a desperate lawsuit against Latjes as many KLM-agents have threatened the airline because of Latjes' unique success.
  • Latjes tells the judge he is not a KLM-agent, and KLM is told to let Latjes sell tickets for fares set by Latjes.
  • KLM foresees a breakdown of the IATA fare structure and uses 'strong-arm' tactics to cause Latjes' bankruptcy.
  • 16 Princesses of Discount Travel lose their job with the most publicized and well-known travel agency in The Netherlands.
  • After this shock-wave in the Dutch travel business, the World's first Travel Guarantee Fund scheme is introduced in which most Dutch travel agencies participate.

    1984 ...but starts Again !

  • However, Latjes continues his struggle for lower air fares, even after losing a battle.
  • Ad Latjes opens Malibu Travel in Damrak 30, Amsterdam. The Main Street in The Netherlands for millions of foreign tourists. A huge potential market awaits.
  • Within years Malibu is an established stopping-place on the journeys of many inter-continental travellers. Recommended by travel guides and mass media worldwide, tickets are sold to travellers of all nationalities, especially after the introduction of international toll-free numbers and Europe-wide satellite teletext services.
  • Malibu becomes Europe's leading authority on discounted air fares.
    The European integration becomes more and more a challenge for Malibu Travel.

    1985 First Transatlantic Toll-Free Telephone Number

  • Malibu Travel opens the first toll-free telephone number from the USA to The Netherlands.
    Via this transatlantic hotline hundreds of tickets are sold directly to the American consumer, thanks to the highest dollar exchange rate after the Second World War, and advertising in the US largest newspapers.
  • This summit of international telemarketing gives Malibu a big name in the USA.
    More toll-free numbers follow in the UK, Germany and The Netherlands.

    1986 First Advertiser on Teletext

  • Malibu Travel is the first advertiser on the first commercial teletext service of the European satellite TV stations.
    Over 75 million Europeans can check day and night low-cost air fares from The Netherlands, the cheapest ticket market on the Continent of Europe.
  • These widely publicized fares force airlines in the rest of Europe to lower their fares.
    USA and other markets overtake Germany as the biggest export market for low-cost tickets from The Netherlands.

    1986 Organizer First Discount Air Travel Conference

  • In April 1986 Latjes organizes the first of many bi-annual Discount Air Travel Conferences for discount ticket suppliers from 33 countries.
  • 15 Years of experience and know-how make these meetings an instant success, highly appreciated by all participants.
  • Agents start buying from countries with inexpensive tickets.
    Also a worldwide exchange of experienced personnel starts.
    Ticket specialists benefit from this exchange of information and improve their unique discount air tariff knowledge.
  • World market air fares start to level, eliminating the need to travel to neighbouring countries in Europe for cheaper fares.

    1987 Introduction speaking (fax) computers

  • Malibu introduces the speaking (fax) computers, combining all possibilities of the computer, (fax) and telephone. Passengers can call 24 hours a day to hear the lowest air fares, to order tickets, to get a farelist faxed, and can be called, without any human interference.

    1988 Malibu starts lawsuit against KLM

  • Malibu starts a lawsuit against KLM because of its refusal to board Malibu' passengers in Amsterdam, travelling on cheaper imported KLM tickets, which is against the European anti-trust/monopoly rules.
  • KLM shares drop 15% in one week. Shareholders get scared KLM cannot survive in a greater European market with more competition.
  • Because of the complexity of the matter, the Amsterdam Court refers the case to a higher (European) Court.

    1989 Malibu challenges KLM

  • The European High Court in Luxembourg publishes a judgement which might be important for Latjes' case against KLM.
  • Escorted by the complete Dutch press, radio and TV, Latjes checks in at Amsterdam Airport with a passenger travelling on a cheap KLM ticket imported from London.
  • KLM doesn't dare to refuse the passenger and carries him.
    In front of the assembled press, KLM promises not to refuse any more passengers on these cheaper imported KLM tickets.

    1989 Foundation of ETN

  • Travel agents attending the Discount Air Travel Conferences realize there is demand for a network of discounted hotels and incoming agents across the Globe to complement their ticket sales.
  • Latjes becomes the founder of ETN, European Travel Network, and creates Europe's first Travel Card.
  • The ETN concept benefits everyone. The budget-minded traveller or the discerning businessman can choose from a wide range of hotels and local tours to fit their specific itinerary. Card holders receive the best possible rates as hotels don't have to pay travel agency commission, and all transactions are handled directly.
  • The ETN network is expanding rapidly, as there are no fees to participating hotels and incoming agents, however they must sign an agreement confirming discounts and offer ETN Card holders a perfect service.
  • Over 9500 hotels, restaurants, car rentals, shops and travel agents in 185 countries welcome ETN Card holders and this number is still growing.

    1990 Ad Latjes publishes his autobiography

  • After a 5-day interview for the Dutch august 1990 edition of Playboy magazine, Ad Latjes decides to write an autobiography about his first 19 turbulent years in the Dutch travel business.
  • 13 Years later this autobiography is published on the Internet in English (150Kb) and Dutch (with photos, 2350 Kb and without photos, 175Kb)

    1990 Malibu stops discrimination by KLM

  • Malibu starts a second lawsuit against KLM as all passengers buying discounted KLM tickets in London are required to sign a form stating they are not Dutch nationals.
  • Again a major violation of European laws which ensure freedom of competition within the European Union. This discrimination of nationality is a serious offence contravening the Constitutions of most countries of the World.
  • Although KLM withdraws this statement one hour after Malibu informs the Dutch press about it, Malibu files again a complaint against KLM with the Amsterdam Court.
  • Again the same President of the Amsterdam Court is powerless to pass judgement, in the wake of more wide-reaching European laws.
  • However, KLM withdraws its nationality restrictions and promises in Court to carry all passengers, despite its ongoing dispute with Malibu Travel.

    1991 ETN stops discrimination by Singapore Airlines

  • Singapore Airlines refuses to board Dutch nationals from German airports for the lower fares available in Germany.
    This condition is withdrawn after ETN threatens legal action.

    1992 Also Virgin Airways shows anti-European behaviour

  • Only after intervention by ETN and the European Commission, a criminal court case against a British travel agent in the London Court was cancelled.
  • This agent purchased Virgin Airways business class Amsterdam - London - Los Angeles tickets in The Netherlands, pulled out the first coupon Amsterdam - London, and saved the passengers a lot of money by boarding passengers in London on these tickets.
  • Virgin Airways had filed a complaint with Scotland Yard because of fraud by the travel agent.
    This shows how Virgin calls importing tickets which Virgin dumps outside their home market.......

    1992 Third lawsuit against KLM

  • With moral support from the European Commission, Malibu starts a third court case against KLM and receives overwhelming support from both the public and press.
  • The European Commission cannot proceed against KLM as the conflict involves air fares to a point outside the European Union.
  • Malibu demands KLM lowers the Amsterdam - Accra fares (ca.Nlg.3000,-) to the discount level KLM offers in London for the same route (ca.Nlg.2000,-), or to the level of a destination of comparable distance, for example New York (ca.Nlg.1000,-).

    1994 New opportunities for ETN on Internet

  • Latjes realizes that Internet will be the perfect infrastructure for his worldwide network of agents and accommodations.
  • As soon as the first commercial Internet Service Provider starts operating in The Netherlands, Latjes starts building his own website which is opened in May 1995.

    1995 Latjes loses in Amsterdam Court and wins outside...

  • Although Latjes loses also his latest battle against KLM in the Dutch courts, KLM realizes that Latjes is fighting for a genuine demand of the European passengers.
  • Outside the court KLM agrees to accept Dutch nationals boarding at Amsterdam airport with cheaper foreign tickets purchased outside The Netherlands.

    1996 Fare Request Program started

  • On demand of many passengers, ETN starts on 16 March 1996 its unique Fare Requests Program and receives 400 requests on the first day.
  • The number of requests grows to a daily average of 8000, which gives 750 travel agents in 125 online countries a potential turnover of US$ 3 billion on flights, hotels, cars, tours and cruises.

    1996 Recognized as the World's best travel site

  • ETN receives the European Commission Award for the best travel site in Europe.
  • In 1997 Yahoo Magazine calls ETN's Discount Airfares Home Page
    'without question, the mother lode of resources for finding cheap fares'
  • Many hundreds of newspapers, magazines, radio and TV programs around the World give attention to the ETN Website because it makes the global market of discounted airfares almost 100% transparant.
  • Passengers email ETN every day their comments about the site, and more than 50 percent has bookmarked the ETN site.

    1997 From a real offline office to a virtual online office

  • ETN and Malibu Travel close their offices in Amsterdam and open a virtual online office
  • Fax and regular mail are still read but answered by email.
  • Existing business relations with offline companies are cut off.
    In ETN's opinion, offline travel companies don't have any future.
  • Radio interview met Ad Latjes (25 April 1997)

    1999 Latjes moves his office to the jungle....

  • Latjes realizes he can maintain and operate his Website from any location on planet Earth which has modern communication lines.
    After considering many places in the World's Sunbelts, Latjes decides to move to one of the rare locations where the Ocean, the Jungle and Western Civilization meet each other: the Central Pacific Coast of Costa Rica in Central America

    1999 Paid advertising on the Internet

  • First paid advertising was on which later changed its name into, Yahoo Search Marketing and which is now Bing advertising.
  • In 2002 ETN started advertising on Google Adwords and in 2006 on Microsoft's Adcenter
  • Because of his long-time experience with low-budget online advertising, Latjes now also manages many online advertising campaigns for other advertisers
  • ETN leads the way to a bright online future for hundreds of online travel agents.
    Its most successful agents have gone 100% online and have increased their efficiency drastically, which is reflected in lower airfares for the passengers.
  • International cooperation is the only way to survive for independent travel agents, and Internet is the perfect tool.

    Last but not least.....

  • Latjes is 'World-Famous' in The Netherlands because of his guest appearances in the most popular talk shows on the Netherlands TV and radio.
  • All newspapers in The Netherlands have frequently reported about his adventures.
  • Ad Latjes is a man of integrity and principles, whose creative solutions and unique insights into international marketing are not governed by self interest, or short term publicity stunts.
  • His aim is to make travelling more affordable for everyone, and to ensure airlines don't impose unlawful restrictions upon the freedoms of European citizens.